All The Prices are in FOB REX Number: INREX0802004962EC004
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KB-U 2RS Series
Textile Rotary Priting Bearings
Thin Section Bearings
Kunal Bearing is a structural components, thin bearings are differently than standard bearings thin bearings are Under load bearings these components must be geometrically perfect.
640 Repeat Bearing Bore Dia: 6.5" x Outside: 7.25" x Width: 0.5"
820 Repeat Bearing Bore Dia: 8" x Outside: 8.75" x Width: 0.5"
914 Repeat Bearing Bore Dia: 10" x Outside: 10.75" x Width: 0.5"
1018 Repeat Bearing Bore Dia: 11" x Outside: 11.75" x Width: 0.5"